Shared-use sporting pavilion officially open at Albert Park's Oval One

Tuesday 18 October, 2022

Albert Park sporting clubs and community groups can now enjoy more opportunities to get active and participate in sport, with a brand new shared-use pavilion now open at Oval One in Albert Park on Bunurong Country. 

Member for Albert Park, Hon. Martin Foley MP today officially opened the new building, with Bunurong Elders, Uncle Mik Edwards and Uncle Shane Clarke providing a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony.

The new pavilion will provide the modern facilities needed to support greater access for local sporting clubs, and will help meet the growing demand and changing needs of the local community, including increased participation in sport among women and girls.

It includes four female friendly change rooms, two umpires’ change rooms, kitchen/kiosk, community space, first aid room, a covered spectator viewing area, scorer’s room, along with connecting paths and landscaping to link with other facilities within the park.

The new building will provide the perfect place for local sporting clubs and neighbouring St Kilda Park Primary School to host training and development as well as local competition.

Home to the Australian Grand Prix, Melbourne Sports and Aquatic Centre and several grassroots sports competitions, Albert Park is one of Melbourne's most iconic sport and recreational parks. 

The project was made possible by a $5.5 million investment from the Opportunities in Victorian Parks initiative, and was delivered by Parks Victoria in partnership with Sport and Recreation Victoria.

For more information about the project head to the Albert Park Pavilion at Oval One project page.

Albert Park Pavilion at Oval One official opening event

Pictured above: Guests gather as the new pavilion is officially opened by Member for Albert Park, the Hon. Martin Foley MP and Bunurong Elders, Uncle Mik Edwards and Uncle Shane Clarke provide a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony.


Albert Park Pavilion at Oval Oval official opening event 2

Pictured above (left to right): Bunurong Elder, Uncle Shane Clarke, Chair of Parks Victoria, Hon. John Pandazopoulos, Bunurong Elder, Uncle Mik Edwards and Member for Albert Park, Hon. Martin Foley MP. 


Albert Park Pavilion at Oval One 2

Pictured above: The new shared-use sporting pavilion at Albert Park's Oval One.


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